Meet Aamir Iqbal

Hello, fellow golf enthusiasts! I’m Aamir Iqbal, and I warmly welcome you to Golf Course Beast, a culmination of my decade-long passion and affair with the enthralling game of golf.

Picture this: Ten years ago, a slightly younger Aamir picked up a golf club for the first time, fueled more by curiosity than by any grand vision. That seemingly inconspicuous day marked the beginning of a journey filled with fairways, bunkers, birdies, and the occasional misadventures in sand traps. With each swing, each game, each victory, and each lesson, I found not just a sport, but a way of life.

Over the years, I’ve traveled through various golf courses, faced countless challenges, and reveled in the game’s small victories. The whispers of the morning breeze on the green, the exhilarating rush of that perfect swing, the camaraderie among fellow golfers — these are experiences and emotions I wished to share. And thus, Golf Course Beast was born.

Creating this blog wasn’t just about documenting techniques or reviewing golf courses (though you’ll find plenty of that here!). It’s a platform where I chronicle my journey, share the nuances I’ve picked up, and most importantly, connect with you. Whether you’re someone just starting with a glint of curiosity or a seasoned player looking for camaraderie, I created this space for all.

Through Golf Course Beast, I aspire to not just share but also learn. Your stories, your experiences, your feedback – they enrich this platform and, in many ways, my own journey.

So, as you navigate through these pages, you’ll discover not just the golfer in me but the storyteller, the learner, and the friend. Dive in, share, laugh, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll feel the same passion that courses through me every time I’m on the green.

Here’s to the game that binds us all, and here’s to many rounds of golf together. Let’s tee off this journey!

My Extensive Content Library

Gear up right! From gloves to clubs, get insights on the best in the game.

Honest, detailed reviews to ensure you’re equipped with the best, always.

Don’t get lost in the vast golf market. Our guides ensure you make the right pick every time.

Looking for More?

Do you have a particular topic in mind? A burning question about golf that hasn’t been addressed? Or perhaps a personal story or experience you’d love to see explored? Let me know! This space thrives on collaboration, and your input could inspire the next post.

So don’t hesitate. Drop in your suggestions below and help shape the content of Golf Course Beast. After all, this isn’t just my platform—it’s ours.